Are you living a true Christian life?

Carrying the name of a Christian does not make you a true Christian. Attending Sunday services with your family along with a bible and putting a couple of dollar bills in the offering box doesn’t make you a Christian.

Being a Christian is much more than acting like one and hence the word ‘acting’; you have to live it. The term Christian is to be Christ like. Christ doesn't go clubbing and get drunk, He does not swear or cuss, He doesn't hate nor discriminate. Christ is the definition of love and He was here to show the people in the world how a person should be.

Devote your life to having a relationship with God, worship Him and honor Him whenever you can. Spread His word to people around you and show them what He has done to bless your life. Show Him off!

You’re not drawing yourself closer but rather further away from God when you are being fake, it actually harms your soul! God knows all and He reads everyone’s hearts and knows when you are real or pretending and playing the part just to look right and just

Be honest to God and to yourself and make it right with Him. If you are struggling with this then pray, cry out to Him to bring you closer to Him. He is always listening to your prayers even if you think no one is listening, He is listening.   


  1. Thank you Barbie! Happy everyday, because everyday is God's day!

  2. "Attending Sunday services with your family along with a bible and putting a couple of dollar bills in the offering box doesn’t make you a Christian."

    That's right! No more than standing in a garage makes you a car :). Living a Christian life is not even possible by you. It's all about what you eat and drink. Christ told us that only by consuming Him would we experience supernatural change.

  3. That is so true Michael, and what a breath of fresh air to hear a comment like that. Jesus is our bread and should be taken every single day. Thank you for commenting!


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